Drug Therapy or Bariatric Surgery for Weight Loss

Written by Sherri Z. Jones

A vast number of people are overweight. Many of these people are overweight for one simple reason: their lifestyle. A lack of exercise and a carefree diet arerepparttar main contributors to their obesity.

Ridding themselves ofrepparttar 131162 burdon of extra weight isn't completely easy. It is as much mental as it is physical. Changing your eating habits and getting into a routine of exercise will generally take care ofrepparttar 131163 extra weight in a reasonable amount of time.

For others, however, this is notrepparttar 131164 case. Some have genetic problems while others have emotional problems. This alone results in a vicious cycle of eating to feel better, gaining weight, feeling bad about it, and then eating to get rid of that bad feeling.

For those in this position there is an answer. After a concerted effort to lose weight by traditional means fails... there is drug therapy. Drug therapy isn'trepparttar 131165 answer by itself.

America's Secret Addiction

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

Virginia Bola is a licensed clinical psychologist with deep interests in Social Psychology and politics. She has performed therapeutic services for more than 20 years and has studiedrepparttar effects of cultural forces and employment

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